Cameron Dallas Reveals He's Been In Rehab For Over 2 Years, Is 105 Days Sober

Cameron Dallas Reveals He's Been In Rehab For Over 2 Years, Is 105 Days Sober

Cameron Dallas made a shocking announcement on Friday afternoon (August 23).

The 24-year-old digital influencer revealed that he has been in rehab for the last two and a half years for addiction, anxiety, depression and family trauma.

“Hey everyone! Today is an exciting day for me. I’ve been wanting to make this video for a while, but basically I wanted to fill everyone in on what I’ve been going through for the last two and a half years,” he says in a video message. “I have been in rehab, and I’ve been getting help dealing with addiction, anxiety, depression and a bunch of other things, family trauma.”

“I got some good news, I am 105 days sober, so that’s really awesome,” Cameron added. “I want to stay on this path and I kind of want to be an advocate, and I want to help others and spread awareness to people. To give them an opportunity to get help and I’m really excited, I’m really stoked. I’m still new to this, and I hope that you guys want to help me spread awareness and if anyone needs help, please reach out.”

Click inside to read Cameron Dallas’ full statement…

“Progress not perfection, this is something that means a lot to me and I’m so thankful for all the opportunities I’ve been given and the patience that has been graciously bestowed upon me by so so many people whether it be my Family, Friends, my Team, my Fans, or anyone that came into contact with me in general. I want to say sorry to the people that I pissed off &/or disrespected whether I was conscious of it or not while I was in my addiction, no one deserves to be treated less than and everyone deserves to be respected in their own right. Dealing with this over the last 2 1/2 years has slowly & painfully dragged me into the shallowest, darkest places in my life destroying my mental, emotional, spiritual, and physical health.

I want everyone to know that there IS hope even when it seems helpless, that there IS serenity even when you’re filled with anxious thoughts. That you CAN overcome addiction and codependency if YOU choose to get help and really want it for yourself.

I’m very thankful fir the people that put up with my bullshit through this, I can’t thank you all enough. One of the biggest things for me coming back, was surrounding myself with people that wanted more For me than From me, and really digging in on the underlying problems of the things I couldn’t face or figure out in my life that I buried deep down in my soul that made me turn to these addictions to escape.

There is a big Stigma around Rehab and I am guilty of thinking of it as a “bad” or “dirty” place for “horrible” people to go to, but until I got there I realized how positive and great these facilities are. They truly help guide you in changing your direction to become the best you possible, they also aim to help your families understand how they can work on themselves to have better communication between each other and how to be assertive.

This is what I wanted to talk about today & share. Thank you for taking the time to listen. I hope this is received well and I want to start diving in more and more about these things over the course of my life sharing it with you all along the way.

I also recently came upon a charity that raises money for people that don’t have the financial me

I was really scared/ nervous to post this and share but I feel like we can help so many people by talk about these issues that don’t get much attention. I was also scared of being help to a certain standard because of posting this and I didn’t want the pressure of it to mess with my sobriety. I want everyone to know that I DONT plan on relapsing and I will continue to make the right steps to stay on the right track. But I am NOT perfect and if there was a ever a relapse I am asking for your support, not harsh thoughts or words. Thank you 🙏🏽 love y’all”

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Photos: Getty
Posted to: Cameron Dallas

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