Lauren Jauregui To Her Fans: 'I Love You More Than You Know'

Lauren Jauregui To Her Fans: 'I Love You More Than You Know'

Lauren Jauregui is feeling extra thankful for all her fans over the weekend.

In a series of tweets, the 23-year-old singer opened up about her grateful she is for her fanbase.

“I wanna take a moment to say a deep and full THANK YOU from the bottom of my heart to each of you who have stuck by me, loved me, nurtured me, understood me, and have been RIDING with me for all these years. For the ones who have been here, I see you & love you more than you know,” she wrote.

Lauren added, “For all the new babies I thank you for joining us and for everyone coming A BIG BIG THANK YOU for believing in me💕✨.”

If you didn’t know, Lauren has a brand new song on the Birds of Prey album called “Invisible Chains”.

“So honored/excited to be a part of this!! First movie soundtrack and I couldn’t be more emotional about being part of this one in particular. Out on February 7th!!” she alerted fans.

Stay tuned for the official stream!

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Posted to: Lauren Jauregui

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