Ashley Argota Picked a Famous Friend to be Her Maid of Honor!

Ashley Argota Picked a Famous Friend to be Her Maid of Honor!

Ashley Argota just revealed who she picked to be her Maid of Honor in her upcoming wedding!

In a sweet post about International Women’s Day, the 27-year-old actress revealed Raini Rodriguez would be at her side on her wedding day.

PHOTOS: Check out the latest pics of Ashley Argota

“It’s #InternationalWomensDay and I’m lucky enough to have a tribe of great ones around me. This one has been around longer than most. We’ve been through it all together— she was there when I was a teenager trying to find my way, and here she is 11 years later when I got engaged (and she made sure my nails were done because #thatsmybestfriend),” Ashley wrote.

She continued, “I’m… well, honored that she’s my Maid Of Honor. Love you, @rainydaychatter! ❤️”

We love this friendship!

Ashley and her fiance Mick Torres got engaged last September after dating for two years. Find out how the proposal went down!

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Posted to: Ashley Argota, Raini Rodriguez

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