Sam Smith & Demi Lovato Drop Olympic Themed 'I'm Ready' Music Video - Watch Now!

Sam Smith & Demi Lovato Drop Olympic Themed 'I'm Ready' Music Video - Watch Now!

Sam Smith and Demi Lovato‘s duet is finally here!

The duo’s new collab “I’m Ready” was released on Thursday afternoon (April 16) in the US.

Sam recently opened up about the new pop song with Demi.

“It’s 2020 ABBA. Do you know what I mean? It’s like, we’ve had fun doing this. I haven’t taken myself seriously. I’m nervous about the song because the song for me is a song that’s reaching,” Sam told Apple Music. “And whenever I have those… You know what I say when a song’s reaching, when it’s like you’re reaching for the stars in the melody, you’re reaching for the stars in all of it. It almost sounds a bit musical theater at times. It feels cheesy at times. And I’m trying to own that because that is a genuine feeling that comes out sometimes in the studio and it’s fun. It’s really fun to go to that place.”

“With us, with me and Demi singing, I know that we’re so inspired by those things, those musical theater. What people would in our music world we’re called cheesy is places that I go to that I enjoy going to sometimes, you know? And it’s about feeling no shame. I think this song really, for me, is about feeling no shame in some of the things that I make because I’m releasing music in a climate where music’s really cool a lot of the time. It’s really, really cool,” they continued. “It’s basically just one of my inspirations is musical theater and these types of songs that reach. And I think it’s me saying that I’m going to reach and it’s okay, you know? And it’s okay to play around and have these moments without feeling ashamed for being really pop, you know? When you see the video, you’re going to scream.”

Sam Smith & Demi Lovato – ‘I’m Ready’
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Photos: Blair Caldwell
Posted to: Demi Lovato, Music, Music Video, Sam Smith

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