Noah Centineo Shares Ways To Support The Black Lives Matter Movement Without Money

Noah Centineo Shares Ways To Support The Black Lives Matter Movement Without Money

If you are short on money and still want to support the Black Lives Matter movement, there are still plenty of ways!

Noah Centineo reposted a handy guide on Instagram with different ways you can help and show support.

The guide is labeled, “Non-monetary support. Being an ally doesn’t stop when we are in a bind financially.”

Among the things you could do is watch 13th and When They See Us on Netflix, or watch Black Lives Matter activist videos.

There are also a number of petitions that you could sign, accounts to follow on Instagram, and of course, repost helpful information, such as the post Noah shared.

For more resources on how you can help out and get involved with the Black Lives Matter, be sure to check out our guide!

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Photos: Getty
Posted to: Black Lives Matter, Noah Centineo

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