China Anne McClain Is Sharing a Little Bit of Her Experience As a Black Actress

China Anne McClain Is Sharing a Little Bit of Her Experience As a Black Actress

China Anne McClain is opening up about her experiences in the industry.

The 21-year-old Black Lightning actress shared a new video on Friday (June 5) talking about one part of her experience as a black actress.

“I can’t tell you how many conversations, sometimes arguments, it’s escalated to that, back and forth with white people telling me what would be most authentic coming out of my black character’s mouth. That’s happened to me more times than I’m comfortable with, low-key,” she says on Instagram. “And I know some people might be confused by that, ’cause if they wrote it, or whatever the situation may be. There may be some people that are confused by that statement, so I’ll give you an example.”

“I can guarantee you that everybody of color in this industry knows exactly what I’m talking about. They could’ve finished my sentence before it left my mouth,” China added.

Watch her video below for her example…

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Posted to: Black Lives Matter, China McClain

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