Dixie D'Amelio Unveils 'Be Happy' Music Video

Dixie D'Amelio Unveils 'Be Happy' Music Video

Dixie D’Amelio has released the music video for her debut single “Be Happy“!

The 18-year-old premiered the visual on Wednesday (July 1).

“Thank you to everyone who watched the premiere!!! <3," she wrote in the comments section of the video.

“I don't think there are enough songs in the pop world that speak openly about mental health. I love the fact that it's a serious, catchy pop song without sounding preachy or corny,” Christian Medice said about the song. He was one of the co-writers and produced the song.

The music video comes less than a week after the song was first released, and Dixie shared how she connected to it.

“I wanted to share the honesty of this message with others, especially those around my own age,” she said, adding, “My hope is that anyone who listens can be reminded that it’s okay to feel what we feel. It’s okay have a bad day. We all have them and you are not alone.”

Dixie D’Amelio – ‘Be Happy’ Music Video
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