Greyson Chance Opens Up About Battling an Eating Disorder

Greyson Chance Opens Up About Battling an Eating Disorder

Greyson Chance is sharing his struggles with anorexia.

The 22-year-old singer has a new song coming out next week, “I’m Done Being Bad To Myself,” which is about his eating disorder.

Before the song’s release, Greyson is opening up on Instagram about his story with the eating disorder.

“I truly don’t know where to start. With my last album, I made a promise that I would strive to be as honest as possible through my work. That type of honesty and vulnerability is what inspires me as an artist and it’s what gets me out of bed in the morning. I can’t release Bad To Myself without telling you that it’s about an eating disorder, and my ongoing battle with anorexia,” Greyson wrote.

“Back in 2018, when I was writing Portraits, I was not in a good place. Not only was I recovering from a tough breakup, but I was also reentering back into music, and I felt nothing but chaos in my head. I was desperately searching for some kind of control. I found that control by watching the numbers drop on my scale as I starved myself day-in and day-out. It wasn’t until I woke up in a hospital bed one morning that I knew I had to turn things around not only for myself, but for my family, my friends, and for all of you,” he continued.

“There is a certain taboo around eating disorders in our society, and I am sharing my story to hopefully make a small crack at that stigma. Eating disorders do not discriminate; they affect such a large population of people, non-dependent on gender, identity, age, or background.”

“Two years later, I feel stronger than I have ever been, but I would be lying if I said I still am not battling against anorexia, and I know that it will be a continued battle for the rest of my life,” Greyson adds. “To anyone struggling with an eating disorder, know that I am here for you, I understand you, and I encourage you to stay strong in your fight. I’ve put a resource link in my bio that was extremely helpful to me during my time of need, and I hope it is helpful to anyone struggling too.”

“I love you. You are enough and I am enough. I found an inner-strength through writing this song, and I make a sincere promise to you : I am done being Bad To Myself.”

The singer also shared a link to an organization with lots of education and resources on eating disorders. Head to for more!

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Photos: Getty
Posted to: Greyson Chance

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