Dove Cameron Dishes On The Kind of Roles She Wants to Take

Dove Cameron Dishes On The Kind of Roles She Wants to Take

Dove Cameron is opening up about her acting career.

The 24-year-old singer and actress recently talked about what kind of roles she wants to portray.

“I came to LA full of so much emotion, and what I would have said at the time, darkness—for a kid. And grit, and anger. I had so much to express. Then, I ended up playing these very, like you said, niche-y roles. ‘Characters’, almost. One begets the next, and then someone sees you in this, and thinks… that is totally how it works,” Dove told Story + Rain.

“Right now, I’m doing two roles that I feel are very much a departure from what I’ve done in the past. But when are those movies going to be finished?!” she continued. “I think the roles I’m interested in playing are roles that are more akin to real people, somebody, maybe, who’s had a similar experience to my own. It’s a very hard thing, breaking out of a niche, and it’s also a very hard thing to change an image once it’s established.”

“I want to play roles where I feel very exposed and very challenged, roles that I don’t feel I can hide behind. A lot of the characters I’ve been able to play are characters I feel I know how to do,” Dove went on. “I want to play something a little less linear, and I want to play something that maybe I’m nervous about. A role where I get to really be ugly. I really want to be ugly and stretch myself.”

In case you missed it, see what Dove Cameron has said about her music.

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Posted to: Dove Cameron

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