Jason Rothenberg Gives Status Update On 'The 100' Prequel

Jason Rothenberg Gives Status Update On 'The 100' Prequel

The 100‘s series finale just aired and many are surely wondering what’s going on with the prequel!

The show’s creator and showrunner Jason Rothenberg recently gave a bit of an update on the prequel series.

“I wish I had good answers for you. What I can say is in terms of whether or not it’s going to happen is that there are discussions that are still happening at the highest level,” he told Deadline.

“You know, I think probably I’d be talking out of turn if I mentioned where those conversations were happening, unfortunately, but there is a chance, a good chance, I guess, that it could come back. I wish I had news this week, it would be great to announce it this week, I don’t think that’s going to happen,” Jason added.

He was also asked if any of the characters from The 100 would appear in the prequel.

“I don’t think we’ll see the characters from the original show. I mean, again, I would say never just because you don’t know what’s going to happen if you are lucky enough to run for a while,” Jason said. “Eventually, you do tell a story. I do know that one of the things I want to do is get it back up to space because concurrent with the timeline of the prequel, what’s happening in space is all the space stations, that were separate at the time of the nuclear holocaust, are coming together to form the ark.”

“So, up there is where we would meet the great, great, great grandmother and grandfather of all of our heroes, Clarke’s great grandparents, great-great grandparents, Bellamy’s, Octavia’s, obviously, and so we could tell a story that way,” he continued. “Some of the actors have already tried to make the pitch that their great-great grandfathers and grandmothers look exactly like them. I doubt that’s going to happen. We’ll see. But I do know that that is somewhere where I want to take the prequel if we’re lucky enough to get it ordered.”

In case you missed it, see some of The 100 stars’ goodbye messages

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Photos: Getty
Posted to: Jason Rothenberg, Television, The 100

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