Griffin Johnson Speaks Out About Dixie D'Amelio Breakup & Her Dating Noah Beck

Griffin Johnson Speaks Out About Dixie D'Amelio Breakup & Her Dating Noah Beck

Griffin Johnson is opening up his thoughts on Dixie D’Amelio and Noah Beck dating.

The TikToker was asked about it on his buddy Josh Richards‘ podcast BFFs with Dave Portnoy and Josh Richards, as well as about their breakup.

“Whenever it first happened, we definitely had a weird tension, and I was pissed,” he said about when Dixie and Noah. “Not really for the fact that I was pissed about the situation as much as like he didn’t tell me. I knew, and I was waiting for him to say something, but he never did. We kind of talked about that. It was definitely… it was messed up. It was weird.”

Griffin also talks about why they broke up and the screenshots of him sliding into other girls’ DMs.

“Some of these were real, some of them weren’t. That’s the problem,” he said. “The only thing that’s a little weird and is messed up, this girl is from [Dixie's] hometown, so it was almost like a weird, planned thing. I obviously f–ked up by Snapchatting a girl, for sure, but like, it was a little curated, I’m not gonna lie.”

Griffin even revealed that Dixie and Noah started dating about a month after they split up.

“I’m happy for them now, I’m over it. I just wish that… All my social media is still like, ‘cheater, cheater, cheater, cheater.’ It’s like, if the actual real story… there was a bunch of weird sh– going on that never got out,” he added. “I’m gonna be honest, I respect Dixie. If she ever needed anything, I would be the first one there, same for Noah. I’m happy for them now, but I’m just gonna be straight up, there was a lot of weird sh– going on between them the entire time.”

“I’m not saying this because I’m mad or trying to throw them under the bus. It’s been months now, this sh– is over with, I don’t care, and neither do they. They’ve moved on, they’re whatever, but since you asked me, it was weird dude,” Griffin continued. “They had this best friends group and they were going on trips to Malibu or whatever they were doing. It was weird stuff. I thought about it, and it was like, ‘This is weird.’ I’m not a weird boyfriend where I’m like, ‘No, you can’t go.’”

Back in September, Griffin addressed the split with Dixie in a new song called “Convenient.”

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