Demi Lovato Has a Message For Those Asking About 'D7'

Demi Lovato Has a Message For Those Asking About 'D7'

Demi Lovato opens up about speaking out about injustices.

The 28-year-old singer reacted to the news of the attack on the US Capitol and addressed those asking about her upcoming seventh album.

“My heart is broken. It makes me too sad to believe how naive I was to think this couldn’t possibly happen, and yet it did. Here we are,” Demi wrote on social media.

“For everyone in my comments saying ‘where’s d7′ or wanting me to sing instead of speaking up about what needs to change in this country, THIS IS WHY I POST AS MUCH AS I DO. THIS IS WHY I CARE. THIS CANNOT HAPPEN ANY F–KING MORE. I’m angry, embarrassed and ashamed,” she continued.

“I’m in the studio working on something special after today’s assault on democracy,” the singer added.

Demi has previously released the politically-charged song “Commander In Chief,” back in October 2020.

Fans have been impatiently waiting for a new album from Demi for the past few years, but last September, she said that she has changed gears on what kind of music she’s going to be making.

““I need to share music that speaks for more people than myself. Because I’ve been sharing my story for a long time, but it’s time to switch gears and tell other stories that need to be heard,” she said in an interview. Find out more here!

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Posted to: Demi Lovato, Music

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