JoJo Siwa Talks to Fans About Her Coming Out on Instagram Live

JoJo Siwa Talks to Fans About Her Coming Out on Instagram Live

JoJo Siwa is giving fans some insight into her process of coming out!

The 17-year-old star did an Instagram Live chat with fans on Saturday (January 23) to talk about joining the LGBTQ+ community, how long she’s known, how her parents reacted, labels on her sexuality, and more.

“Personally I have never, ever, ever been this happy before and it feels really awesome. I’ve been happy for a little bit now. It’s just so, so, so awesome. You guys probably haven’t seen me this happy since I was on tour,” JoJo told her fans.

JoJo revealed her sexuality this week by wearing a “Best. Gay. Cousin. Ever.” t-shirt and also by posting some videos on TikTok.

Keep reading to find out what she said in the Instagram Live…

JoJo Siwa on red carpet

Question: “How long have you been a part of the [LGBTQ] community? How long have you been whatever you are?”

JoJo’s Answer: “I don’t know. I think my whole life. Because my whole life, I’ve really really been, I just liked people, but I have never fallen in love before. But I always believed that my person was just going to be my person. If that person happened to be a boy, great! And if that person happened to be a girl, great! I think I’m just really happy. I think in life you know when you meet your person, I really do.”

On her split from Mark Bontempo in November 2020: “People in life break up,” she said. “People as teenagers break up, you have a boyfriend or you have a girlfriend when you’re 6 years old and you break up with them, you’re not with them for forever. I was a teenager, I still am a teenager but I think I’m pretty happy now. I’m pretty good now.”

JoJo Siwa on red carpet

On when she told her parents: “My parents have known. My mom said she’s known for the last two years. She’s like, ‘I just know with you!’ Around two years ago, she was like, ‘I don’t think you only like boys, that’s totally okay.’ They’ve always been so everything … My family is awesome.”

She added, “Like my dad said, love is universal. You guys can love whoever you want to love, and you guys can do in life whatever you want to do. You can dream a dream and make that dream come true, no matter what. Just be happy, happiness is sometimes really hard. If something makes you happy, enjoy it. Just enjoy it, live in the moment. Don’t think too much, just kinda live. If I can give you any advice, do what makes you happy. Do whatever it is that makes you happy.”

JoJo Siwa on red carpet

Question: “What label are you?”

JoJo’s Answer: “I have thought about this, but the reason I’m not going to say this answer is because I don’t really know this answer. I think humans are awesome, I think humans are really incredible people. Right now, I’m super duper happy and I want to share everything with the world but I also want to keep things in my life private until they are ready to be public. Right now what matters is that you guys know that no matter who you love, that it’s okay. It’s awesome and the world is there for you. There are so many people that are there for you. I know everyone’s situation is different and it might be harder for some people and easier for some people to come out or be themselves but I think coming out has this stigma around it — that it’s this really, really scary thing, but it’s not anymore. There are so many accepting and loving people out there that it’s okay. Of course people are going to say it’s not normal, but nothing is normal. Literally not one thing about anybody is normal and it’s okay not to be normal, it’s okay to be a little different, it’s okay to be a little weird, strange, different. That’s something we should never, ever be afraid of. That’s something we should be proud of. … I’m the happiest I’ve ever been, that’s what matters.”

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Photos: Instagram, Getty
Posted to: JoJo Siwa

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