James Charles Is No Longer Hosting 'Instant Influencer' Season 2

James Charles Is No Longer Hosting 'Instant Influencer' Season 2

James Charles is parting ways with his YouTube competition series Instant Influencer!

The 21-year-old beauty vlogger will no longer be the host of the show, nor will he be a part of it.

“We can confirm Season 2 of the YouTube originals series Instant Influencer will take a new creative direction, including a new host,” a YouTube spokesperson told Variety. “We thank James for a great first season, and look forward to building on the show’s success by expanding the opportunity to showcase a diversity of creators across the YouTube platform in our upcoming season.”

Though James is no longer attached to the show, it’s still moving forward, and will reportedly not only have a new host, but will also focus on a different category of creators. The new host and details will be announced soon.

James hosted and was a key part of Instant Influencer season one. He even shared that he had a lot of ideas for the first season, but because it was the first, they weren’t able to do things he had hoped to. He also announced the second season and teased some great things coming.

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