Christian Convery Stars In Official Trailer For 'Sweet Tooth' - Watch Here!

Christian Convery Stars In Official Trailer For 'Sweet Tooth' - Watch Here!

The official trailer for the upcoming Netflix series Sweet Tooth has been revealed!

Young actor Christian Convery is starring as Gus in the new show, which is based off of the DC Comic of the same name.

Here’s a synopsis: Ten years ago “The Great Crumble” wreaked havoc on the world and led to the mysterious emergence of hybrids — babies born part human, part animal. Unsure if hybrids are the cause or result of the virus, many humans fear and hunt them. After a decade of living safely in his secluded forest home, a sheltered hybrid deer-boy named Gus (Convery) unexpectedly befriends a wandering loner named Jepperd (Nonso Anozie).

Together they set out on an extraordinary adventure across what’s left of America in search of answers— about Gus’ origins, Jepperd’s past, and the true meaning of home. But their story is full of unexpected allies and enemies, and Gus quickly learns the lush, dangerous world outside the forest is more complex than he ever could have imagined.

The cast also includes Adeel Akhtar (Dr. Aditya Singh), Aliza Vellani (Rani Singh), Stefania LaVie Owen (Bear), Dania Ramirez (Aimee Eden), Neil Sandilands (General Abbot), with Will Forte (Father) and James Brolin (Narrator).

Sweet Tooth, which has Robert Downey Jr and his wife Susan as executive producers, will premiere June 4th on Netflix!

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