We Could Possibly See Brandon Larracuente In '13 Reasons Why' Season 2 as Jeff!

We Could Possibly See Brandon Larracuente In '13 Reasons Why' Season 2 as Jeff!

You might not remember him a lot, but Brandon Larracuente was actually a big part of the story for 13 Reasons Why.

He played Jeff, the young student who was killed after a drunk driving accident. The character was only in a few episodes, but there may be a chance that we could see him in the next season.

“I hope so,” Brandon told Prune magazine. “The writers are still in the room, but I haven’t heard anything.”

He added, “Considering Jeff was in the flashbacks of the first season, I don’t see why not. Fingers crossed, I’d love to be able to work with everyone again, and I’m sure the fans would love it too.”

Brandon actually scored the role of Jeff in his last auditions for the show.

“I actually auditioned for a few other roles, and a majority of the cast originally auditioned for other roles as well,” he says, and it acually all worked out in the best possible way.

“The placement of the cast was spot on though, I cannot picture anyone playing a different role,” Brandon adds. “Casting knows what they’re doing, and I’m glad I got to be a part of something so life changing for not only us, but for other people as well.”

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Photos: Prune
Posted to: 13 Reasons Why, Brandon Larracuente, Magazine

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