Melissa Benoist Dishes on This Year's 'Arrowverse' Crossover

Melissa Benoist Dishes on This Year's 'Arrowverse' Crossover

Melissa Benoist is spilling on what fans can expect from the highly anticipated Arrowverse crossover event this week!

This time around, the Supergirl actress will be bringing Alex (Chyler Leigh) along for the journey.

PHOTOS: Check out the latest pics of Melissa Benoist

“I always wished that she had been by my side for every crossover that I’ve done, which I guess are just the two last year,” Melissa told KryptonSite. “They are always so massive and such undertakings workload wise.”

“They wrote something massive that was overwhelming to read, in an exciting way of course, but also at the same time I had to brace myself,” she added. “I think we all did.”

“Everyone goes to Central City to Iris and Barry’s wedding, but of course it’s the comic book world so not every wedding goes as planned,” Melissa shared. “You’ll have to see, it’s pretty crazy. They get some really evil visitors from Earth-X.”

Don’t miss Supergirl this Monday (November 27), the first part of a four-episode event including Arrow, The Flash, and DC’s Legends of Tomorrow!

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