Jordan Pruitt Files Lawsuit Against Former Music Manager & Disney's Hollywood Records

Jordan Pruitt Files Lawsuit Against Former Music Manager & Disney's Hollywood Records

Jordan Pruitt is suing her old manager, Hollywood Records, and The Walt Disney Company.

The 28-year-old singer, who is currently working on her first book, has filed a lawsuit against her former manager, Keith Thomas, and Disney over sexual abuse claims.

“3 weeks ago as ‘Jane Doe’ I filed a lawsuit against my molester and those who enabled him. No more Jane Doe. I am Jordan Pruitt. #justice #metoo #SeeSomethingSaySomething,” she wrote on Twitter.

Back in December, Jordan wrote a lengthy post on her Facebook account, sharing her sexual abuse story from when she was a teenager, but didn’t name who it was, until now.

“Unfortunately, these large companies are primarily concerned with sales, money and charts,” Jordan told Variety in a statement. “Too often they fall short of protecting the young talent that they are ‘supposed’ to be caretakers for. Time and time again we see people in positions of power fail us. I couldn’t be more disappointed in how Disney treats their underage talent like cash cows.”

“I am standing up and speaking out not only for myself, but for the countless victims across the world who have never been given the opportunity for justice,” she continued. “It is extremely taboo for anyone to speak about sexual abuse, misconduct and exploitation of minors in the ordinarily conservative and genteel South. Over and above decorum, many fear the repercussions of coming forward for example (getting blacklisted from the industry, losing work, having YOUR reputation tarnished). To many victims, coming forward feels shameful. Even though the #metoo movement has been very powerful for many, there is still much work that needs to be done. No one should ever be punished for telling the truth and seeking justice, period.”

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