Karan Brar & Sophie Reynolds Take In The Sights of Europe With Friends

Karan Brar & Sophie Reynolds Take In The Sights of Europe With Friends

Karan Brar and Sophie Reynolds snap a cute photo while on vacation in Nice, France!

The besties have been on a European trip for the past week with a small group of friends, including Jake Short, where they hit up Barcelona as well.

“tourists who?” Sophie captioned the pic with Karan.

“Parents look after their kids and I certainly present a challenge to these 3. Side note: is ‘fantastic’ a nerdy word? I’ll defend it until I’m pushed off this ledge,” Jake captioned a post of the group, sans Karan, who we could only assume may have taken the photo.

Click inside to see more photos from Karan Brar and Sophie Reynolds’ European vacation…

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