Normani Reveals How She Really Felt While in Fifth Harmony

Normani Reveals How She Really Felt While in Fifth Harmony

Normani is looking absolutely beautiful on the cover of The Fader‘s Now issue, which is out now.

Here’s what the 23-year-old Fifth Harmony member-turned-solo star had to say…

On how being a member of 5H restricted her as an artist: “I don’t feel like while I was in the group anyone saw the truest version of me. I wasn’t allowed the opportunity to showcase that…I’m not able to go in in the way that I want to [because] of what the group was.”

On feeling alienated following an incident that resulted in racist, hateful comments from fans: “[The girls] offered support, but I’m not sure they could be there in the way that I needed because it’s not their experience…they don’t have to face on a day-to-day basis the things that I have to. I definitely learned after that that I had to walk a different way. I can’t look like everybody else.”

On the personal significance of her forthcoming album: “I’m doing this as therapy for me…to be able to get to know myself in a way that hasn’t even been revealed yet, to be vulnerable in a way that I haven’t been before. I want this to be like a diary of all women — to reflect and showcase the many layers of us. We’re not one-dimensional.”

For more from Normani, head to

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Credit: Luke Gilford; Photos: Fader
Posted to: Fifth Harmony, Music, normani, Normani Kordei

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