New App Byte is Being Dubbed 'Vine 2.0' - Find Out More!

New App Byte is Being Dubbed 'Vine 2.0' - Find Out More!

A new 6-second video app has arrived, from the creators of Vine.

The creators of the original app just unveiled their new one, called Byte.

“dear friends, today we’re bringing back 6-second looping videos and a new community for people who love them,” the app’s Twitter account shared this afternoon. “it’s called byte and it’s both familiar and new. we hope it’ll resonate with people who feel something’s been missing.”

The app is also looking for feedback on the new venture, and launched a community forum to gather ideas and suggestions from users to improve Byte.

Vine, which launched the careers of Cameron Dallas, Lele Pons, Nash Grier and more, shut down in 2017.

Click inside to see how fans are reacting to the news that Vine 2.0 is here…

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Photos: Byte
Posted to: Byte, Social Media, Vine

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