'Sydney To The Max' Cast Share How They're Going Green!

'Sydney To The Max' Cast Share How They're Going Green!

Sydney and Olive are going green on Sydney To The Max tonight (March 26)!

On tonight’s new episode, in an effort to save the planet, Sydney and her friends stage a student protest to convince the cafeteria to go green. Back in the ’90s, Max and Leo fight to keep their school from getting rid of the junk food in the vending machines.

In relation to the theme of the episode, JJJ asked the stars – Ruth Righi, Ava Kolker, Jackson Dollinger and Christian J Simon – how they are doing their part in making a difference in real life.

“I try to participate in small acts of kindness everyday as well as try to give back to my community when I can. Anything from donating time to a charity you believe in, participating in a women’s march or just doing the dishes for your family makes a real difference,” Ruth shared with us.

Check out a clip from the episode and be sure to tune in at 8pm ET/PT on Disney Channel!

Click inside to see our interviews with the cast of Sydney To The Max…

Just Jared Jr: Can you share how you are trying to help make a difference in real life. (I.e., recycling, involved with charities, volunteer work, helping around the house, etc.)
Ruth Righi
: “I try to participate in small acts of kindness everyday as well as try to give back to my community when I can. Anything from donating time to a charity you believe in, participating in a women’s march or just doing the dishes for your family makes a real difference. This week I am working with two amazing organizations, Saving Our Daughters and The Ryan Seacrest Foundation. Saving Our Daughters works with girls from multicultural backgrounds to help them overcome the many obstacles they face growing up; and I’ll be working with The Ryan Seacrest Foundation to skype with patients at the Children’s Hospital. I’m super excited for both.”
Ava Kolker: “I always recycle and try to minimize single use plastic in daily life as much as possible. I also work with Paw Works, a beautiful organization that saves dogs scheduled to be euthanized and we even adopted a little dog from there. I also do my best to bring awareness to charities and organizations close to my heart, such as St Jude, Make a Wish Foundation, and Children’s Hospital.”
Jackson Dollinger: “I am making a difference by using my platform to advocate for the elimination of single use plastics. I serve as an Ocean Ambassador for several different organizations. In addition, I adopted Malibu Surfrider Beach through Heal the Bay for the year of 2020, where we are doing several beach cleanups with members of the community.”
Christan J. Simon: “I try to make a difference by sharing the importance of health & fitness, including sharing healthy recipes of some of my favorite foods. I also recycle as much as I can and when I’m home, I conserve energy and water by only using electricity when needed and limiting the amount of time I run water.”

JJJ: What do you hope viewers will take away from this episode?
: “I hope that after watching this episode, the viewers feel encouraged to stand up for what they believe in.”
Ava: “I hope they realize the power they have in making a difference. One person can take a stand and inspire others to change the way they live their daily lives and together we can make a huge difference for a better planet in the future.”
Jackson: “I want viewers to be inspired to help out in their community and if they are passionate about an issue, I hope this episode will encourage them to use their voice to try and make a difference.”
Christian: “I hope after watching this episode, viewers understand that we’re all connected and in this together. And by doing our part, we can all make a difference.”

JJJ: What’s a healthy snack you can’t live without?
: “One healthy snack that I cannot live without is banana and peanut butter. IT’S SO GOOD!
Ava: “I love artichoke. It’s one of my favorite foods.”
Jackson: “I can’t live without edamame.”
Christian: “I’m a fruit lover so I definitely can’t live without a good fruit salad.”

JJJ: What are some fun activities you are doing while school is out and you are practicing social distancing?
: “For social distancing, I am making sure to stay inside and wash my hands as much as possible, while also making sure I am staying active and healthy. I am going on runs or walks with my family, creating my own workouts, listening to and playing music, facetiming with friends and family, doing puzzles, binging TV shows and doing schoolwork. It is important to stay creative and active during this quarantined time and also surround yourself with things you love to do.”
Ava: “I still do martial arts in my room thru a link provided by my sensei. I love the mental and physical strength and discipline it teaches and I feel it’s so important to work out and stay fit. I also am trying to get ahead in school and enjoying the family time, which we so rarely get to have.”
Jackson: “I enjoy playing the drums, puzzles, cooking and spending time with my family.”
Christian: “A few fun activities I’m doing during social distancing is making dance routine videos, playing with my little brother, and teaching my dog new tricks.”

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